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New Summer Look :)

Creating Swing Applications


AWT Architecture

Mapping of Classes to Packages

Design for Containment

Designing Layout Management

Designing the Component Peers

Introducing JFC

Mapping of Classes to Packages

The Swing Components

The JComponent

(1) JComponent Widgets

A Simple Example Using JFC

(2) Layout Managers

(3) Model Classes

Swing Model Classes

Changing Look&Feel

Manager Classes

(5) Miscellaneous

The JTabbedPane Component

The JTable Component

The JTree Component

Internal Windows

Using Internal Windows


AWT Architecture

(1) Mapping of classes to packages

(2) Design for Containment

(3) Design for Layout Management

(4) Design for the Peers

Mapping of Classes to Packages










Applet & relevant Interfaces

Components, Layouts, Graphics


Clipboard, DataFlavor, Transferable

DragSource, DropTarget, Events, Listeners

Events, Listeners, Adapters

Font graphics rendering classes

Shapes, AffineTransform, GeneralPath

InputContext, InputMethodRequests

Image Processing classes

PrinterJob, Printable, PageFormat

Design for Containment

- Arbitrary deep containment hierarchy

- Container IS A Component

- Container HAS Components

- Thus Container can mix containing Containers & Component

- This design is called the "composite design pattern"

Designing Layout Management

Naive Design Solution 1

- Positioning components by specifying absolute coordinates is problematic

- We need to give to Containers algorithms for layout their components relatively

Designing Layout Management

Naive Design Solution 2

Designing Layout Management

Java's Solution
(Strategy Design Pattern)

- LayoutManager knows Container?

- When we need absolute
Coordinates we can set the
layout to null

Designing the Component Peers

- How do we get a multiplatform gui api ?

- Using native implementations for each platform (AWT)

- Write all the gui functionality in java (SWING)

- Peer Interfaces decouple AWT components from a specific platform

- Native Implementations
stay completely hidden


Creating the Component Peers


- The instantiation of a Peer initiates when a Component is added to a Container

- Which Component Peer should a Component instantiate?

- Object creation is hidden from the Clients and delegated to the Abstract Factory Class named Toolkit

Creating the Component Peers


Are the Toolkits Hardcoded?

No, Object Creation by Name is preferred

String myToolkitName = System.getProperty("awt.toolkit","sun.awt.motif.Mtoolkit");

toolkit = (Toolkit) Class.for(myToolkitName).newInstance()

Introducing JFC

Java Foundation classes consists of:

- AWT and its components

- Swing components

- Accessibility API

- Java2D

- Drag&Drop

Swing Components are built on top of AWT

Swing is part of jdk since version 1.2.

In earlier versions you can get it as an external api (with 1.1 and without the 2D api)

Mapping of Classes to Packages

javax.swing :

javax.swing.border :

javax.swing.colorchooser :

javax.swing.event :

javax.swing.filechooser :

javax.swing.plaf :

javax.swing.table :

javax.swing.text :

javax.swing.text.html :

javax.swing.text.rtf :

javax.swing.tree :

javax.swing.undo :
Components, Managers, Models

8 Types of Borders

Customisation classes

Listeners, Events, Adapters

Customisation classes

UI Abstractions for Plug&Play GUI

Customisation classes

Text Editor Classes

HTML Editor classes

RTF Editor kit

Customisation classes

Classes for undo functionality

The Swing Components

- Provide pluggable look-and-feel ability

- Lightweight implementation (no Peers)

- JavaBeans compliance

- source code compatibility with AWT components

- javax.swing.*

(1) JComponent widgets

(2) LayoutManager classes

(3) Model classes and Interfaces

(4) Manager classes

(5) Miscellaneous classes


- The Parent of all Swing Components

- Overides and extends Containersd

- Gives the ability to define for every Swing Component: Borders, ToolTipText, and UI look&feel

(1) JComponent Widgets

-JButton, JLabel
-JPanel, Box
-JMenu, JMenuItem, JSeparator,JCheckMenuItem, JRadioButtonMenuItem, JMenuBar, JPopupMenu
-JToggleButton, JRadioButton, JCheckBox

-JComboBox, Jlist
-JInternalFrame, JDesktopPane, JDesktopIcon

-JProgressBar, JSlider, JScrollBar
-JScrollPane, JViewPort
-JSpiltPane, JTabbedPane

-JTable, JTree
-JTextField, JTextArea, JPasswordField, JEditorPane
-JToolBar, JToolTip

-JWindow, JDialog, Jframe

A Simple Example Using JFC


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class ExampleUsingJFC extends JFrame {

  public static void main(String[] argv) {
     ExampleUsingJFC myExample = new ExampleUsingJFC("ExampleUsingJFC");

  public ExampleUsingJFC(String title) {
     addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { 

  private void init() {
     JPanel my_panel = new JPanel();
     my_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
     for (int i=1;i<10;i++) {
	    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(i+".gif");
	    JButton jb = new JButton(icon);

-Borders Available:
Bevel, Compound, Empty, Etched, Line, Matte, Soft, Titled

(2) Layout Managers

- Horizontally or Vertically

- Arranging components over the top of each other.

- JScrollPane's layout

- JViewport's layout

- Helper Class for Layout Managers

(3) Model Classes

MVC architectural pattern

Dates back to late 70's

Well known OO design solution

The parts can be exchanged at runtime. Can change L&F very easily

More than one view for a model always in synchronisation

Notification through events

(+) Clean separation of concerns better maintainability and reusability
(-) Many more classes involved

In java View and Controller are grouped to a UIdelegate

Swing Model Classes

  BoundedRangeModel :

ButtonModel :

ListModel :

ComboBoxModel :

MutableComboBoxModel :

ListSelectionModel :

SingleSelectionModel :

ColorSelectionModel :

TableModel :

TableColumnModel :

TreeModel :

TreeSelectionModel :

Document :
4int -> value, extent, min, max

boolean armed

A collection of objects

A collection of objects and a selected object

A Vector of objects and a selected object

Indices of selected list or table items

The index of the selection in a collection

A Color

A two dimensional array of objects

Many attributes

Objects that can be displayed in a tree

Selected rows

Content in text or styled text and images

Changing Look&Feel

Metal L&F

Motif L&F

Windows L&F

public void changeLookTo(String cName) {
 try {  
 catch (Exception e) { 
   System.out.println("Could not change l&f"); 

- "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel";

- "javax.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel";

- "";


(4) Manager Classes

Managers accept customisations

Managers include :

- DesktopManager, DefaultDesktopManager

- FocusManager, DefaultFocusManager

- MenuSelectionManager

- RepaintManager

- ToolTipManager

- UIManager

(5) Miscellaneous


- BorderFactory

- ImageIcon, Icon

- LookAndFeel

- ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitorInputStream

- SwingUtilities

- GrayFilter

- Timer

The JTabbedPane Component


private void init() {
	JTabbedPane jtb = new JTabbedPane();
	for (int i=1;i<10;i++) {
	   ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(i+".gif");
	   ImageIcon icon2 = new ImageIcon(i+"a.jpg");
           JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(new JLabel(icon2));	

The JTable Component

String data[][] = {	{"John","Sutherland","Student"}, 

String fields[] = {"Name","Surname","Status"};

private void init() {
	JTable jt = new JTable(data,fields);
	JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(jt);

The JTree Component

Many classes involved

- JTree

- TreeModel, DefaultTreeModel

- TreeNode, MutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode

- TreeSelectionModel, TreeSelectionListener, TreeSelEvent

- TreePath

- TreeCellRenderer

- TreeNodeListener, TreeNodeEvent
JTree (L&F:metal)

JTree (L&F:motif)

JTree (L&F:windows)

JTree Example

private void init() {
   DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Calendar");
   DefaultMutableTreeNode months = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Months");
   String monthLabels[] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
  		 	     "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
			     "November", "December"};
   for (int i=0; i<monthLabels.length; i++) 
  	months.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode(monthLabels[i]));
   DefaultMutableTreeNode weeks = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Weeks");
   String weekLabels[] = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", 
			    "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
   for (int i=0; i<weekLabels.length; i++) 
   	weeks.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode(weekLabels[i]));	
   JScrollPane js = new JScrollPane(new JTree(root));

Internal Windows

- JInternalFrames are placed on a JLayeredPane

- JLayeredPane provides Z ordering, but only for lightweight components (order 0 to N-1)

- JInternalFrames can be: closed, maximized, iconified, resized

Using Internal Windows


private void init() {
  JLayeredPane layers = new JDesktopPane();
  for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon((i+1)+"a.jpg");	
    JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(new JLabel(icon));
    jsp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120,140));
    //JInternalFrame(title, resizable, closable,maximizable, iconifiable)
    JInternalFrame jif = new JInternalFrame(i+" frame",true,true,true,true);

Online Java Training, Creating Swing Applications

My other sites

Latest News

New Summer Look :)

Creating Swing Applications


AWT Architecture

Mapping of Classes to Packages

Design for Containment

Designing Layout Management

Designing the Component Peers

Introducing JFC

Mapping of Classes to Packages

The Swing Components

The JComponent

(1) JComponent Widgets

A Simple Example Using JFC

(2) Layout Managers

(3) Model Classes

Swing Model Classes

Changing Look&Feel

Manager Classes

(5) Miscellaneous

The JTabbedPane Component

The JTable Component

The JTree Component

Internal Windows

Using Internal Windows


AWT Architecture

(1) Mapping of classes to packages

(2) Design for Containment

(3) Design for Layout Management

(4) Design for the Peers

Mapping of Classes to Packages










Applet & relevant Interfaces

Components, Layouts, Graphics


Clipboard, DataFlavor, Transferable

DragSource, DropTarget, Events, Listeners

Events, Listeners, Adapters

Font graphics rendering classes

Shapes, AffineTransform, GeneralPath

InputContext, InputMethodRequests

Image Processing classes

PrinterJob, Printable, PageFormat

Design for Containment

- Arbitrary deep containment hierarchy

- Container IS A Component

- Container HAS Components

- Thus Container can mix containing Containers & Component

- This design is called the "composite design pattern"

Designing Layout Management

Naive Design Solution 1

- Positioning components by specifying absolute coordinates is problematic

- We need to give to Containers algorithms for layout their components relatively

Designing Layout Management

Naive Design Solution 2

Designing Layout Management

Java's Solution
(Strategy Design Pattern)

- LayoutManager knows Container?

- When we need absolute
Coordinates we can set the
layout to null

Designing the Component Peers

- How do we get a multiplatform gui api ?

- Using native implementations for each platform (AWT)

- Write all the gui functionality in java (SWING)

- Peer Interfaces decouple AWT components from a specific platform

- Native Implementations
stay completely hidden


Creating the Component Peers


- The instantiation of a Peer initiates when a Component is added to a Container

- Which Component Peer should a Component instantiate?

- Object creation is hidden from the Clients and delegated to the Abstract Factory Class named Toolkit

Creating the Component Peers


Are the Toolkits Hardcoded?

No, Object Creation by Name is preferred

String myToolkitName = System.getProperty("awt.toolkit","sun.awt.motif.Mtoolkit");

toolkit = (Toolkit) Class.for(myToolkitName).newInstance()

Introducing JFC

Java Foundation classes consists of:

- AWT and its components

- Swing components

- Accessibility API

- Java2D

- Drag&Drop

Swing Components are built on top of AWT

Swing is part of jdk since version 1.2.

In earlier versions you can get it as an external api (with 1.1 and without the 2D api)

Mapping of Classes to Packages

javax.swing :

javax.swing.border :

javax.swing.colorchooser :

javax.swing.event :

javax.swing.filechooser :

javax.swing.plaf :

javax.swing.table :

javax.swing.text :

javax.swing.text.html :

javax.swing.text.rtf :

javax.swing.tree :

javax.swing.undo :
Components, Managers, Models

8 Types of Borders

Customisation classes

Listeners, Events, Adapters

Customisation classes

UI Abstractions for Plug&Play GUI

Customisation classes

Text Editor Classes

HTML Editor classes

RTF Editor kit

Customisation classes

Classes for undo functionality

The Swing Components

- Provide pluggable look-and-feel ability

- Lightweight implementation (no Peers)

- JavaBeans compliance

- source code compatibility with AWT components

- javax.swing.*

(1) JComponent widgets

(2) LayoutManager classes

(3) Model classes and Interfaces

(4) Manager classes

(5) Miscellaneous classes


- The Parent of all Swing Components

- Overides and extends Containersd

- Gives the ability to define for every Swing Component: Borders, ToolTipText, and UI look&feel

(1) JComponent Widgets

-JButton, JLabel
-JPanel, Box
-JMenu, JMenuItem, JSeparator,JCheckMenuItem, JRadioButtonMenuItem, JMenuBar, JPopupMenu
-JToggleButton, JRadioButton, JCheckBox

-JComboBox, Jlist
-JInternalFrame, JDesktopPane, JDesktopIcon

-JProgressBar, JSlider, JScrollBar
-JScrollPane, JViewPort
-JSpiltPane, JTabbedPane

-JTable, JTree
-JTextField, JTextArea, JPasswordField, JEditorPane
-JToolBar, JToolTip

-JWindow, JDialog, Jframe

A Simple Example Using JFC


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class ExampleUsingJFC extends JFrame {

  public static void main(String[] argv) {
     ExampleUsingJFC myExample = new ExampleUsingJFC("ExampleUsingJFC");

  public ExampleUsingJFC(String title) {
     addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { 

  private void init() {
     JPanel my_panel = new JPanel();
     my_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
     for (int i=1;i<10;i++) {
	    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(i+".gif");
	    JButton jb = new JButton(icon);

-Borders Available:
Bevel, Compound, Empty, Etched, Line, Matte, Soft, Titled

(2) Layout Managers

- Horizontally or Vertically

- Arranging components over the top of each other.

- JScrollPane's layout

- JViewport's layout

- Helper Class for Layout Managers

(3) Model Classes

MVC architectural pattern

Dates back to late 70's

Well known OO design solution

The parts can be exchanged at runtime. Can change L&F very easily

More than one view for a model always in synchronisation

Notification through events

(+) Clean separation of concerns better maintainability and reusability
(-) Many more classes involved

In java View and Controller are grouped to a UIdelegate

Swing Model Classes

  BoundedRangeModel :

ButtonModel :

ListModel :

ComboBoxModel :

MutableComboBoxModel :

ListSelectionModel :

SingleSelectionModel :

ColorSelectionModel :

TableModel :

TableColumnModel :

TreeModel :

TreeSelectionModel :

Document :
4int -> value, extent, min, max

boolean armed

A collection of objects

A collection of objects and a selected object

A Vector of objects and a selected object

Indices of selected list or table items

The index of the selection in a collection

A Color

A two dimensional array of objects

Many attributes

Objects that can be displayed in a tree

Selected rows

Content in text or styled text and images

Changing Look&Feel

Metal L&F

Motif L&F

Windows L&F

public void changeLookTo(String cName) {
 try {  
 catch (Exception e) { 
   System.out.println("Could not change l&f"); 

- "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel";

- "javax.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel";

- "";


(4) Manager Classes

Managers accept customisations

Managers include :

- DesktopManager, DefaultDesktopManager

- FocusManager, DefaultFocusManager

- MenuSelectionManager

- RepaintManager

- ToolTipManager

- UIManager

(5) Miscellaneous


- BorderFactory

- ImageIcon, Icon

- LookAndFeel

- ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitorInputStream

- SwingUtilities

- GrayFilter

- Timer

The JTabbedPane Component


private void init() {
	JTabbedPane jtb = new JTabbedPane();
	for (int i=1;i<10;i++) {
	   ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(i+".gif");
	   ImageIcon icon2 = new ImageIcon(i+"a.jpg");
           JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(new JLabel(icon2));	

The JTable Component

String data[][] = {	{"John","Sutherland","Student"}, 

String fields[] = {"Name","Surname","Status"};

private void init() {
	JTable jt = new JTable(data,fields);
	JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(jt);

The JTree Component

Many classes involved

- JTree

- TreeModel, DefaultTreeModel

- TreeNode, MutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode

- TreeSelectionModel, TreeSelectionListener, TreeSelEvent

- TreePath

- TreeCellRenderer

- TreeNodeListener, TreeNodeEvent
JTree (L&F:metal)

JTree (L&F:motif)

JTree (L&F:windows)

JTree Example

private void init() {
   DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Calendar");
   DefaultMutableTreeNode months = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Months");
   String monthLabels[] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
  		 	     "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
			     "November", "December"};
   for (int i=0; i<monthLabels.length; i++) 
  	months.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode(monthLabels[i]));
   DefaultMutableTreeNode weeks = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Weeks");
   String weekLabels[] = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", 
			    "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
   for (int i=0; i<weekLabels.length; i++) 
   	weeks.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode(weekLabels[i]));	
   JScrollPane js = new JScrollPane(new JTree(root));

Internal Windows

- JInternalFrames are placed on a JLayeredPane

- JLayeredPane provides Z ordering, but only for lightweight components (order 0 to N-1)

- JInternalFrames can be: closed, maximized, iconified, resized

Using Internal Windows


private void init() {
  JLayeredPane layers = new JDesktopPane();
  for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon((i+1)+"a.jpg");	
    JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(new JLabel(icon));
    jsp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120,140));
    //JInternalFrame(title, resizable, closable,maximizable, iconifiable)
    JInternalFrame jif = new JInternalFrame(i+" frame",true,true,true,true);